• NathanielThomas@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Not all autism is the same, and sure there are some higher ends of the spectrum that people require assistance, and then there’s everyone in between

    I think it’s wonderful you’re on the better end of the spectrum, as you say. However, it may be wise for you to learn that not all, in fact not most, people with autism are so gainfully prosperous.

    Canadian study:

    The study shows 33 per cent of autistic adults reported being employed in 2017, compared to 14 per cent in 2012. However, the numbers continue to pale in comparison to the 80 per cent employment rate of adults without a disability.

    From a United States perspective, and based on their data, Autism Speaks shared that:

    Studies estimate that 50 to 75 % of the roughly 5.6 million autistic adults in the U.S. are underemployed or unemployed. Nearly half of 25-year-olds with autism have never held a paying job. More than 60% of autistic young adults are neither working nor pursuing education/training post-high school in the U.S.

    In terms of the global unemployment rate, the National Autistic Society in the U.K. released a survey in 2016 that confirmed the 85% number. They found that:

    Under 16% have full-time paid work 16% are in part-time paid employment In all, less than a third of autistic adults have any paid work Just over half (51%) of autistic people who are working said that their skills were higher than those their job required (underemployed)

    • Wisely@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Sadly a lot of that isn’t necessarily about ability to work, but ability to get through a job interview.

      The whole interview process is going to weed out the candidates who aren’t as sociable, outgoing, charismatic, etc. They are going to look at body language and eye contact while doing small talk. A lot of soft skills like that are more important to pass a job interview than actual technical knowledge. Even when the job has no customer facing requirements.

      They also tend to not have the connections that get your foot in the door.

      It’s bias in an interview process that isn’t designed with autism in mind. Many who have high IQ with attention to detail, technical skills and are hard workers are still unable to get a job offer because they come off as disinterested or awkward.

      • Piers@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        It isn’t just the interview part. The entire job application process is discriminatory against neurodivergent people. For example pretty much any time a company does one of these hokey “personality tests” as part of it’s employee selection it heavily selects against people with autism. They aren’t allowed to refuse to hire disabled people but they certainly do their best to make it a forgone conclusion anyway.