I’m 30 hours into a real bad trip. Didn’t do it on purpose. Was cutting angel trumpet with an knife, was burning theroots.

Good thing Im experienced. Hospital would have been expensive.

This is some real bad shit. It’s not fun. Stay away. Brugmanssia, Datura, hogweed, voodoo vine, don’t fuck with it

Edit: waking up again, talked to my girl, she’s okay. Have a unreal headache like a hangover. Going back to sleep. Typing is still difficult.

Edit: holy shit, still coming down. Trying for more sleep. I poisoned myself on accident. This is the nastiest thing I’ve ever run in to and I have experience. Please be careful around Angel trumpet and daura and such.

Edit: the boy is making me drip-drop electrolyte drink. I ate some olives. Ate some canned fruit. He found me some crackers. He’s tired of hearing me tell him I love him. We’re all going to be okay. It was close.

Edit: my fucking head hurts. Been a rough time. Think I’ll be able to sleep hard soon. Walked to the corner store and back. Bought the boy every twix they had.

Edit. Now able to spit, gag and hork. Had hiccups for a while but didn’t puke. Digestive system is waking back up. Had cotton mouth for two day des.

Edit. I’m down. Heavy shakes. 2:45am. Had to sleep with the light on in the bathroom. Going back to sleep in a minute. I just about died and now hurt all over. Real sleep is so nice. Y’all take care.

Edit. 7:00am. Just got off the phone. I’ve put my girl through a bad scare. She’s happy now, says I sound more normal. Sense of smell is returning. Boy is still asleep. We’re taking the day off, can load the truck tomorrow. Head hurts, ears are ringing. Drinking water and thinking about some coffee.

Edit: 10:46am. Speech continues to improve. Put hydrocortisone cream on my arms at my wife’s direction.She’s a RN. Boy fed me a coke and a liquid IV. Was able to take a hard piss earlier.

Edit: 11:40am 7-29-24. Here are some pictures of the rash on my arms and hands as well as the flowers. https://imgur.com/a/CqPl8AT

Edit: 1:49pm 7-29-24. The boy and I are watching Steve1989 eat some real old Twinkies. Clear fluid coming out of the sores on my hands and arms. The girl and I researched. Don’t think there has been kidney or liver damage.

Edit: 10:04pm. 7-29-24. Sent my son to take a shower, going to brush his hair out. Will be going to bed shortly. We watched documentaries about beaches, cars, and guns. I’ve eaten crackers, cheese, Spaghetti O’s and jello. Have a truck to load and a house to clean tomorrow.

Edit: 6:21pm 7-30-24. Rash continues to develop. https://imgur.com/a/gvE7wO5 Was able to do a limited amount of work today. Canceled the appointment with realtor for tomorrow. Have eaten around 5-650 calories and will try some chicken soup in a little while. Used shopping bags as gloves to put the exposed clothing in the trash. Took a short walk. Arms itch something fierce, face feels sunburned. We’re watching Lassie on YouTube.

Edit: 6:09am 8-1-24. Had over a 1000 calories yesterday and was able to eat a pb&j. Most calories are coming from boost meal replacement drink. Had a much better night, was able to fall asleep around 1:00am. Been up and down several times. Lot of heavy sweating while asleep.

Think the reishi tea I drank last night kicked in. (Have used reishi I collect for around twenty years as a general healing and health agent as well as for my autoimmune disorder. Swelling of rashes is down as is the itching. Ganoderma applantum is the variety I find in the southern woods, usually yellow or cream but occasionally brown. Lighter the color, the more bitter it is, seems to work better. Have a bunch of Turkey Tail, Trametes versicolor, but don’t think it’s indicated. My belief in the usefulness of Reishi is anecdotal and may be placebo but I’ll take what I can get.)

Had normal dreams, normal for me, I guess. Only got a bullet graze once in the dreams. Feel fairly normal, still a little weak but much more improved. Was able to turn off the music and sleep without it in the night. Was able to quit focusing as heavily on my heart and always having to slow it. Going to try and snooze a little, will look for vitamins

  • CaptainEffort@sh.itjust.works
    2 months ago

    That sucks, I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve done obscene amounts of shrooms and lsd, but luckily only ever had one bad trip on anything.

    Eyes and faces in the walls, lady screaming in my fridge door, big toothy smiles under the dining room table, pretty much the stuff of nightmares. Wouldn’t recommend it lol. I had done enough psychedelics at that point to ride most of it out, and not have it ruin psychedelics as a whole for me, but I think most people would’ve been in serious trouble.

    Hope you’re feeling better now, though, good luck!

    Edit: Genuinely curious about what it was tho, I don’t recognize any of the things you listed at the end.

    • Machinist@lemmy.worldOP
      2 months ago

      Whoa that’s some ugly shit. I always have whet they call bad trips off mushrooms and such. It’s powerful medicine and should be used with respect and love l.

      This is some bad shit. Not healthy, stay away from it.

      Tired it tongue being numb

    • Machinist@lemmy.worldOP
      2 months ago

      It’s planes that have scopalamine and other weird shit in them. Good for dilating your eyes and causing crazy nightmares. I accidentally caught a real big dose. You absolutely do not want to fuck with this stuff. I’ve done heroic doses and all that. That’s not this. This is a poison and you don’t learn anything dint fucjwirj it


      • CaptainEffort@sh.itjust.works
        2 months ago

        Damn cause honestly unfocusing my eyes and seeing weird shit is probably my favorite part. I mean, unless I’m on a bad trip and it’s all horrific.

        Seriously tho, what actually did you accidentally take? Not that I’ll follow suit, I’m just genuinely curious.

        • Machinist@lemmy.worldOP
          2 months ago

          Angel trumpet vine. I’m still coming down off it Very rough trip. I cut it out of the siding and burned it and the roots. There was a clear oil coming out of the vines, it was raining and I was sweating. My pores were open. I absorbed it through my skin.

          This has been way more like poisoning than tripping. I’m very lucky that I’m experienced and have been able to ride it out and down. My kidneys and liver hurt and I’m forcing myself to drink water and electrolytes. The hospital bill would have been expensive or I would have been dead.

          This is not fun. It’s not an educationial experience. It is poison that is sort of psychedelic.

          I’ve been on the phone with my girl. My boy is selling the lawnmower under my direction. We worked on some Sheetrock earlier.

          Absolutely do not fuck with this shit. It’s poison, not a teacher. It does not love you like mushrooms and acid do. It’s poison.