You need to block cookies and use private browsing, by default, as well.
Also, sacrifice two chickens under a full moon, ever fortnight. Though I’m not convinced that’s not just something Doug is into, now that I think about it.
It doesn’t make you anonymous.
The chicken thing does. At least, it certainly works for Doug.
This is a great reason to smudge your digital fingerprint.
I’m pretty confident my paid VPN pays for itself every month in my not being over charged quite as badly.
How exactly would a VPN prevent this? It doesn’t make you anonymous.
VPN masks your IP of origin.
You need to block cookies and use private browsing, by default, as well.
Also, sacrifice two chickens under a full moon, ever fortnight. Though I’m not convinced that’s not just something Doug is into, now that I think about it.
The chicken thing does. At least, it certainly works for Doug.
You called?