• rozodru@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    sorry but your comment isn’t much better as you’re wrong. This had nothing to do with gamers demanding an early release, that’s a lie. stop. Don’t insult someone for bullshit when you’re spewing the equal amount.

    The problem with the initial release of NMS was Sean Murray. that’s it. Hello Games didn’t have a PR person and it was all on the back of Murray. He hyped the game up beyond belief and stated features would be present at launch that wouldn’t be. And while Sony did publish and promise to assist in marketnig, they did not provide PR. Murray should have hired someone to do PR for his team, he did not. https://www.vice.com/en/article/dpkvnm/inside-the-nasty-no-mans-sky-backlash.

    IF he had kept his mouth shut or actually hired someone to do PR, the NMS launch would have been just fine. Murray himself has stated that the launch of NMS was a result of himself not benig able to control the hype around the game. It was too little too late especially after the game launched where Hello Games and Murray pretty much said “ok, we way over hyped this thing…we better shut up for a few months until we can add in all the stuff I promised”.

    It wasn’t untli the zero hour that Murray realized he, essentially, talked too much. review copies didn’t go out because if they had game sites would have pointed out that Murray was speaking bullshit. The demand for the game by gamers at launch was because of the hype that Murray couldn’t control. There’s even stories of developers at Hello Games trying to reel Murray in and tell him to basically shut up. Were the features Murray promised prior to launch going to be in the game? yes, eventually, with updates. But because of Murray and his direct involvment with a lackluster launch they now had to speed up/crunch development for said features. Why the guy wasn’t ousted from Hello Games is beyond me but he managed to eventually save face.

    Again this had NOTHING to do with gamers demanding a release. It released on time. There was even an investigation by the ASA in regards to the false advertising of No Man’s Sky https://www.pcgamesn.com/no-mans-sky/no-mans-sky-false-advertising

    So just stop lying. Yes you probably love the game, but there’s no reason to continue to defend it. This was all their own doing of which they managed to recover from it.