Something I realized while doing radshares, Warframe needs to replace the recruiting chat with an actual LFG system. I’ve been playing Warframe for about 10 years now, and the recruiting chat literally has not changed since release. It’s still extremely basic and simple.
I’ve had people try to go into radshares intentionally bringing the wrong relic, to try to get a free relic crack. I’ve had people who didn’t read correctly and accidentally brought the wrong relic. I’ve had people leave because it’s taking too long to recruit people in. You have people spamming recruiting asking for people to help them, people spamming with dojo recruiting, etc. It’s filled with crap. An actual LFG system would be so insane for quality of life. Imagine if you could just type into a search bar “Orokin cell farm” and search up squads doing orokin cell farming on Gabii. Granted there are discords but you really shouldn’t need to resort to using third party tools to find games. (tbh this also is true in respect to trading chat and, but that’s a whole other conversation) TL;DR, recruiting chat is seriously out of date and in need of an update, preferably an actual LFG system which could be used for SO MANY thing.

    1 年前

    I am always very frustrated by the fact that I can’t see actual open parties when I want to do a mission and join them instead of hoping I get matchmade with someone. This is especially problematic in steel path since fewer people play it, I have to rotate through fissures until I get lucky and join someone because if I end up hosting I will probably have to finish it myself or with 1 other person.

    GW2’s LFG system with categories for each type of content, list of open recruiting squads you can preview and join with a single click, would be pretty good for warframe. In the meantime you can check this website out (, it’s an LFG for relics specifically and I don’t know how active it is but it seems well made.

      1 年前

      The gw2 lfg system would be a nice solution because it sorts the content by categories, indeed. Something alike would be good enough because we could check who is doing what.
