Conservative premier shows his party’s dedication to the poor and unhoused.

    4 months ago

    premier: “I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas!”

    problem: increasing homelessness nation wide, people complain, wish the homeless would “disappear”

    solution: affordable/rent geared housing or free backed with needs based assistance

    outcome: tax payers/politicians won’t go for it cause “fuck you, I have mine” continue to complain about the homeless problem and say “it’s a complicated situation”

    go back to step one. repeat.

    I’m sorry kids but I’m afraid in reality problems don’t just go away on their own. they continue. If you don’t like seeing the homeless or addicts then you need to pay for the solution. you need to push for housing reforms as far as zoning and building goes. you need to push for higher taxes or much better appropriation of funds. insist on better and acceptable social safety nets, of which currently none exist in this country.

    Increase taxes now, pay for the solution, pay for the safety nets, lower taxes when solution is achieved and nets no longer required.