I hate all and every money based questions. Like “Whut wuld u do if $XXXX appeared in your bank account tomorrow?” or “BAM, You’re a millionaire, what would you do with the money?” or “If you had $XXXX, how much would that change your life?”

Like, come on, unless I’m given a large sum - then I won’t answer. It just gets tiring seeing the same old answers of people saying they’d do good wonders to fluff their humbleness or there’s people who’d buy a million rubber balls if given the chance or anything.

  • GrayBackgroundMusic@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I also hate the money questions. They’re fun thought exercises, sure, but mostly they make me angry that I will never have that money and the people who do have are fucking stupid in its use. Who the fuck buys a social media website instead of just launching more and better rockets? You’re finding literal rocket scientists but noooooo you gotta shit post on twitter. The world could be an amazing place of we could get all the money from all the rich people but no, we continue to let them be stupid with it and let people suffer and die because of it.