Because it seems I only get interest from really fem twinks. Doesn’t matter what I look like. When I was fat — twinks. Now that I’m not fat — twinks again.

And it’s not that that they’re not sexy or that the sex is bad. But it’s everything aside from sex.

Often it feels like dating a very “traditional” woman. As in, you have to initiate and plan out everything, their interests are very stereotypically feminine (fashion, pop music, celebrities) and they play a lot of games.

Why is it so hard to find a gay man who’s just a normal man? Just have some beers, play some video games, go to the gym, stuff like that.

    1 year ago

    I’m in a very different locale NYC where it’s not like that at all. I imagine culture in places like Serbia would definitely cause the problem you’re having. I’m sorry.

    Also fwiw I’m bi and there are also plenty of women here that don’t play games like that. Though yeah the chase is a little different with women than with men.

    The stereotypical gay thing btw I think it’s a way to let guys know you’re gay without having to have other men guess about your orientation. I don’t like it either, but I understand why it started.