• rozodru@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    My sister is an elementary school principal and she is absolutely infuriating. she’s smart don’t get me wrong, book smarts that is. Went to university twice, got her masters, she skipped 8th grade when she was a kid.

    However when it comes to common sense/street smarts…oh boy. dumb as a pile of rocks. Took her god knows how many times to pass her driving exam. Written test? no problem, aced it the first try. the actual DRIVING portion? failed it god knows how many times to the point the instructor just couldn’t comprehend how someone who knew all the rules, everything, on the written test couldn’t transfer that to actually using it. Common sesne is a foreign concept to her. Like the most basic things that you and I do in everyday life boggle her mind.

    To top it all off, she hates kids. I shit you not she’s been a teacher/principal for nearly two decades and cannot stand kids. Her husband wanted children but she said no, she doesn’t want kids - to quote her “I really can’t stand children”. It’s like saying I can’t stand pizza, it makes me sick, so I’m gonna go work at Pizza Pizza and make a god damn career out of it.

    My point is the principal in this case is a douche and administration is no better so reading stories like this doesn’t surprise me at all. They really pick from the bottom of the barrel to fill those roles.

    Needless to say my sister and I do not get along.

    • pdxfed@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      They really pick from the bottom of the barrel to fill those roles.

      Just wait until it’s privatized, it’ll definitely improve.