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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023

  • How do I live the life I want to live in a setting that tells me I “don’t really enjoy this, you’re just brainwashed by capitalism” over and over? By fighting back.

    You and the aesthetic (idea) you follow are not powerless and you desire a world I am excluded from, purely because the part of my life I enjoy most (the fulfilment of escapism) doesn’t fit into that worldview. I am probably not going to change anything, but so be it I wanted my position to be clear. You propose taking away a life(style) that I enjoy, and I want to point out that is what you’re proposing. I cannot hold a job, I have issues which are permanent and pervasive that exclude any existence in a community-focused world and if solarpunk will not accommodate that then I will not accommodate it. I can’t kill an idea, nobody can, but maybe I can get people to realise that solarpunk is not about only good improvements, it has a dark side and that dark side is that there are innocent people who fall through the cracks when only “the greater good” is considered.

  • Confirmation indeed. It’s really too much to fucking ask that you NOT build another fucking prison? You, not me, are the sociopath. At least I reserve my angry rampage for if you succeed.

    You judge me for liking what I like? You are literally trying to control my life by redefining society, and no, I’m not some rich skullfucker nor do I think people aren’t entitled to the same basic level of comfort I enjoy regardless of race, gender, eromantic orientation or anything else; they may not have it, but if you wanted real equality then you NEED to uplift people’s minimum living standard.

    Apparently you care more about organic produce and trees than children or the homeless.

  • Fuck solarpunk. I buy carefully, not mindlessly, based on what I’m getting and for how long, with the intent of not having to replace what I buy. So let’s get that out of the way, this isn’t about the merits of environmental preservation or efficient use of our resources.

    I need mass media because I ENJOY PLAYING VIDEO GAMES. I don’t want to live in the fucking “gay space commune”, I want to live in a world that feels good to me, and you solarpunk assholes seem to say people like me who escape from reality because they’ve NEVER been capable of supporting themselves should start a fucking garden?!

    Newsflash. I. Don’t. Like. Your. “Utopia”. I never will. If you ever succeed in making your idea of a future a reality, I’ll burn it to the fucking ground as my revenge on you bastards. I hate your idea because all it does is change how I am oppressed as a disabled adult to how I was oppressed as a special needs child illegally taken from my parents by a corrupt mental health system.

    You want to see a real utopia? A place where everyone is happy in the world they live in? Fucking find an oneirogenic drug that induces lucid dreams or create a VR metaverse.

    Who I am in reality does not matter. Who I am in my mind can’t be expressed in a solarpunk world, only online. At least that’s how it used to be.

    Why am I named the same as an Open Source Game? Cyperprep doesn’t have to mean “the future megacorps are not so bad!” but rather “megacorps control this dystopian future but they can’t always stop the signal and that means Open Source Software is the way to fight back”.

    The difference between FOSS for smart devices and social networks and FOSS for games is that games are art and that means paid food production will take precedence over volunteer video games.

    And no, you don’t get to say “get another hobby”. I know myself. I like technology. I don’t like preachy people. I stopped buying Apple when I stopped seeing unique-looking devices. I am a gamer. Most importantly, I am a sci-fi writer who wants optimistic stories that don’t assume the reader is a fully-capable person.

    I am not demanding you write what I want to see. Only that you not try to turn reality into it. If you see this, once again, fuck solarpunk.

  • OpenTTD@lemmy.ziptoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldScript kiddies
    7 months ago

    Yes, but knowing how to install a toilet the difficult way (instead of hiring a plumber) was replaced by knowing how to install a program the difficult way (via a command line instead of an installer).

    Now, Zoomers aren’t stupid or tech illiterate, I have a Zoomer friend and she’s more tech literate than I am. The issue is that installing a program the hard way has been replaced with minimizing your carbon and digital footprints. That’s not the skill of a super predator, its the skill of prey. We’ve been reduced to prey for the shareholders of corporations.

  • Nuclear trains and cargo ships might actually be necessary, even. In North America and over oceans, getting the vehicle weights, the weights of cargo and the distances between cities to work under any reasonable system means not just DC but even AC are insufficient in transmission range on land (and of course useless in the middle of an ocean), and companies like Amazon and AliExpress account for a lot of direct climate-disrupting emissions and a good chunk of the wealth letting assholes like Bezos live like kings at everyone else’s detriment.

  • It might not be a mere country by a long shot but the one thing I find most interesting about Africa (IIRC) is that despite the linguistic variation and the number of nations being no less than any other continent has ever had, every precolonial culture in “Africa” referred to it as Alkebulan (I think that’s the romanized pronunciation) with the possible (partial?) exception of Egypt.

    That said, my memory about that feels sketchy. Can anyone confirm or dispute if Alkebulan is the actual name used by the local languages? Claiming I’m sure about this without actually checking feels disrespectful, but I no longer trust DuckDuckGo or Startpage because their use of Google’s algorithm means NewPipe is censored from all search engines except Bing and Ecosia and search results have been uninspiring since ~2017 thanks to enshittification.

    Hold on, checking Wikipedia…

    Edit: No trace of the word itself on wp, but it did bring up the Akebu language when I searched it. Anyone know how much I was wrong? Or is this just survivorship bias due to me only knowing how to speak/read English?

  • Surprisingly it’s not the only one. Dubai is honestly the center of (what remains of) the hub-and-spoke air travel network because it’s the closest point to every other landmass on Earth. Middle Earth was supposed to be Tolkien’s locale for a hypothetical creation myth of modern (well, then-modern) Britain. Alkebulan (the native name for Africa) is the cradle of humanity and the only continent where everyone there agreed what said continent was called for all of recorded/known history. I’d say being in a geopolitically central location, even if that’s really just dumb luck, is something cultures have taken pride in for a very long time.