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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • If an offered is not accepted or whatever, HR should have some record of who the other top contenders would be.

    It doesn’t work that way. We search until we find one person we want to hire and we offer that person the job. If they decline, it doesn’t mean we go down the list until someone accepts. Everyone else was rejected for one reason or another, so we continue our search. I’m not saying OP definitely did not run across some fake postings. It’s a possibility. But there’s also the possibility that they’re not as qualified as they think they are, or their resume doesn’t make it clear that they are. Or whoever is screening applicants is screwing up. Job searching is tricky, and so is candidate searching.

  • That’s not necessarily a fake posting. It may be that they offered the job to someone who took time to decide not to accept. Or accepted and then changed their mind when they got a better offer. Or used the offer as leverage to get a raise/promotion at their current job. Games get played on both sides. Hell, I once hired someone who just didn’t show up on their first day. Or the next three days. We tried to call and email. We didn’t hear anything until a week later when they claimed they were sick and couldn’t come in. No explanation for why they couldn’t call to let us know. That was the most immediate termination I’ve ever dealt with.

  • IamSparticles@lemmy.zip
    tocats@lemmy.worldTouch the Tummy
    18 days ago

    Same. We adopted a boy in August that is the most chill, patient, and friendly cat I’ve ever shared a house with. I mean, I’ve had friendly cats before, but they’re usually still pretty aloof. This boy just always wants to be where the people are, soaking up attention like a sponge. He is the stark opposite of his big sister, who will flee at the slightest unexpected noise or movement and has been known to claw and bite people who try to pet her without an explicit invitation.

  • Golden rice was developed as part of a non profit grant. Seed is distributed free of charge to farmers with an annual profit of $10k or less, and they are permitted to keep and replant seed as much as they want. Nutritionally it is identical to normal rice except it contains high levels of vitamin A for which large portions of the population in the Philippines (and many other countries) have a critical deficiency. Vitamin A deficiency has a major impact on childhood mortality rates.

    The only criticism they have is that it’s a gmo crop and they don’t trust its safety, which is really just a PR issue because it has been thoroughly tested for human consumption. Your response is a perfect example of making the problem worse through your ignorance.

  • Good summary. A lot of this was covered in the story but you have to read through a lot of fluff before you get to the bit about the actual mechanics of the situation. Another bit to mention, though, is that a lot of those 20% second mortgages had variable interest rates, and after the 2008 crash, the rates skyrocketed for a lot of folks. People were unable to make the suddenly much higher payments, which is why they sought consolidation/forgiveness in the first place.

    But yeah. Always be aware of what you’re signing up for when you take out a loan, and get all the terms in writing. If someone tells you not to worry about making payments, make sure you get that in writing, too. I was lucky enough to learn this lesson a long time ago with a much less expensive asset. My wife and I bought an appliance on one of those no-money-down 0% interest financing deals. The fine print was that if you were late on a single payment by even a day, they immediately tacked on back interest for the full purchase price at ridiculously high rate. My wife thought she had mailed the final payment but it turned out she had miscalculated by one. We got a phone call the day after the last payment was due. On a balance of something like $50, we suddenly had a penalty of over $1000. I was pretty pissed but there wasn’t really anything we could do since we’d signed the deal.

  • A lot of times they will mount them to the wall if the unit is small enough. It’s cheaper and the refrigerant line run is shorter. But for larger units it’s common practice to mount them on a concrete pad on the ground. In this case, someone probably just didn’t want to spring for the wall mounting hardware, so they put it on a couple cinder blocks. It’s not ideal, but it doesn’t really hurt anything.

  • My read was that she was trying to bypass the line of cars dropping off kids, and he was trying to stop her so she wouldn’t run over a kid exiting a vehicle. If you’ve ever dropped off kids at school in the morning, you know this is a major nono. The problem is that, if you rush someone yelling “STOP” in that situation, you run the risk of making them panic and do something even more unexpected (like accidentally turn into the bus lane). It would have been better to flag her down calmly, and explain the problem. But this guy was so obsessed with enforcing The Rules that he got aggressive and created a much worse situation for everyone involved.