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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023

  • I thought about this too but disagree that this was the turning point. It was the first sign (I can recall) of what publishers wanted games to be, but the backlash they got was harsh. They postponed the full roll-out and came at the problem from a new direction.

    I think the big turning point was Farmville and shit like it on Facebook, which led to mobile games full of microtransactional shit-storms just like it once smartphones became more common.

    They used mobile gaming as a way to indoctrinate the masses that it’s okay to monetize the hell out of a game, and slowly migrated this idea to PC via free-to-play games at first. Then bit by bit they took small, methodical steps toward transforming the games industry into the micro transaction hell-scape we know today.

  • Staged a coup in my Archage guild, we managed to get away with basically all of the guild assets.

    Joined guild, made friends with one of the officers and his small in-group of pvpers. Was a reliable asset and helped us get a couple of merchant ships and a galleon, plus had farms just full of high value trade packs.

    Problem was the GM and I didn’t get along very well. She wanted to dictate how we named the ships in a way that I felt was cringe as hell and generally wasn’t open to input or criticism at all. One day I logged in at like 2 or 3 am when no one else in the guild was online and I just left the guild. Next day I logged in and sent messages to the people I’d made friends with and told them the GM kicked me, since it was well known she didn’t like me.

    Stoked the flames for an hour or so and convinced most of the in-group to quit after we took all the assets we could. Drew a giant dick with barley plants on the front lawn of the GM’s player house and then they all g-quit.

    She raged for months, shouting in global chat that we were a bunch of pirates anytime she saw us, and tried to gank us multiple times, poorly. It was glorious, but I never told any of them what really happened.

    We also invented boatnado. The bouancy physics had a fun glitch where you could make a merchant ship spin on its end at an ever increasing rate and the mast would just fire any ships that got too close off into the horizon. Never fully managed to weaponize this discovery, but we had a ton of fun with it.

  • You are expecting dominos to do it for you. That’s literally what you are asking. They aren’t going to do that for you because they make more money if you ignore the “deals”. Even a tiny barrier is going to keep out some number of people that don’t find value in spending 30 seconds to save 25% on a $30 tab because they have the money to not even notice, which increases profitability. Their line goes up. Our system forces all these companies to worry about that line going up.

    That said, they aren’t trying to hide it from you, it is the largest thing on their store page, and their people on the phone will happily tell you about it.

    Someone else made the same analogy, it is just like going to a drive through and ordering a burger, fries, and drink separately and not asking for a combo. Same products, but most places it will cost you more to order them separately than to order the combo.

    If you are still mad about it, you aren’t mad at Dominos, you are mad at the core of our current economic system.

  • Linux fanboys have ruined it’s image. Most of them take pride in doing simple things in an over complicated manner and wonder why people won’t switch. Even basic tasks like loading kernels or installing something is told in such a gatekeeping manner that scares new users into adapting it.

    I think this hit close to home. As a community, we really need to strive to be better here. I typically don’t post much in any Linux forums. I feel like I am still too new to offer “the correct answer”, and keep quiet and leave it to the “experts”; like it isn’t my place to try to help. I guess I need to get over that and do my part from now on.

  • My install does use btrfs (but unfortunately since I reused the other drives they are still ntfs formatted) and it does regular snapshots, but to the same drive. It isn’t completely borked yet so I’m hopeful I can “clone” to a new drive and rma the bad one (10 months old so should still have mfr warranty). I’ve used clonezilla in the past but had read it doesn’t support btrfs, maybe that info is outdated? I did see some promising tools for doing basically the same job through btrfs though. I planned to work on salvaging what I can tonight. Worst case scenario, all my personal files are synced to a cloud storage service so I’d just be out installed programs and configs if I have to reinstall from fresh.