“I didn’t have to be in this place, I didn’t have to record this video. In my place should have been another person. But this person was killed by Putin.”

      • JustMy2c@lemm.ee
        7 months ago

        But you are the fucking tankie calling me out for supporting the Argentinian president who is doing great!

        You are the actual one taking up NARCO COMMUNIST talking points. Fking paid for by China or just dumb?

    • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      “I didn’t have to be in this place, but I love money.”

      I kinda figured that’s why you were posting, but thanks for confirming. Shame the ruble just isn’t going as far these days.

      But thank you anyway for helping to enliven this discussion about Navalny, and what a great man he truly was – and what an absolute idiot Putin is for martyring Navalny, because now that Navalny is dead he will literally never die. Every time some Russian citizen who hates your war thinks about what they as an individual can do, the name and deeds of Navalny will not be far from their mind.

      Your boy Putin hides in bunkers and at the far end of obscenely long tables in sumptuously furnished palaces built with the stolen wealth of the people of Russia; by stark contrast Alexei Navalny survived being poisoned by Putin and then came BACK to Russia AGAIN so that he could not be written off as a foreign agent, willing to serve unjust jail time, horrible mistreatment, and even die for the love of his country. He showed what love of country truly is, not the thief you call president.

      Remember this when you’re talking about the love of money, kid. It wasn’t Navalny with the golden toilet brushes and empty mold-eaten palaces he stayed hidden in, lol.

      And thank you again, NOT_RICHARD, for helping grow the discussion. Much appreciated. May the name of Alexei Navalny never leave your thoughts, lol.

      • ComradeSharkfucker@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        This is not someone to be celebrated. Use his death as an expose on the silencing of dissent in Russia but as nothing more.

        He was a Russian fascist with well documented association with the neo-Nazis in the early 2000s then turned into a pro-Western liberal who opposes Putin.

        Edit: 2011 NY Times profile about Navalny (CW: racism):

        Liberals, meanwhile, have deep reservations about him, because he espouses Russian nationalist views. He has appeared as a speaker alongside neo-Nazis and skinheads, and once starred in a video that compares dark-skinned Caucasus militants to cockroaches. While cockroaches can be killed with a slipper, he says that in the case of humans, “I recommend a pistol.”

        Not to mention he voluntarily went back to Russia after believing they tried to have him killed. I don’t know what he expected

        Also the video of him being racist is still up on his personal YouTube channel to be clear. It is not a position he ever distanced himself from.

        • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Also the video of him being racist is still up on his personal YouTube channel to be clear. It is not a position he ever distanced himself from.

          “Hide” is the word you’re looking for. He didn’t hide from his past misdeeds, any more than he hid from Vladimir Putin.

          And given that the newest example of this racism is from 2007, seventeen years old now, it’s obvious he did distance himself from it. If he hadn’t, you’d have been able to find a much newer example.

          You don’t need grand apologies to distance yourself from bad behavior. All it really takes is simply not repeating it.

    • uis@lemm.eeOP
      8 months ago

      Source so I can read without crappy translation and with context?

      • ComradeSharkfucker@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        I do not have an original source for that blog post but here’s some stuff with sources

        Openly identifying as a nationalist, and attending nationalist rallies, Navalny was kicked out of Yabloko for his nationalist views.

        He created a movement (called “The People”) that targeted immigration.

        Navalny called for the separation of Chechnya from Russia.


        He has spoken at the annual Russian March alongside leaders of various neo-Nazi organisations in Russia, many of which have been subsequently outlawed, with leaders arrested. Footage shows attendees flying banners with Nazi insignia, chanting racist and Islamophobic slogans, proudly Nazi saluting to the cameras, and bearing tattoos of Adolf Hitler and other Nazi insignia. Navalny confessed that he has attended the march for at least 4 years running.


        In 2007, on a live broadcast Navalny compared Muslims in southern Russia to tooth decay and cockroaches, imploring viewers to shoot them while he held a gun.


        In 2013, after ethnic riots took place took place in Moscow, Navalny championed the rioters for confronting “hordes of legal and illegal immigrants” on his blog.

        source 1 source 2

        Also he was groomed by the CIA as a potential leader of Russia in the Yale World Leaders Program (funded by the NED, a subsidiary of the CIA), which had connections to the 2014 Ukrainian coup.

        Source for this one unfortunately not longer exists as far as I am aware (dead link) but I thought it was worth noting if you want to look into it yourself

        I also want to make it clear I am not someone who defends Russia nor Putin. I just think this is the last person we should glorify