The anti-free speech movement has become openly Orwellian in claiming to protect freedom by limiting freedom. It also employs using terms like disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation to obscure their effort to silence those with opposing views. Rather than use “censorship,” they refer to “content moderation.”

"We are restricting freedom but we are doing it for the common good.”

Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich has declared free speech is “tyranny.”

What is particularly chilling is how low the threshold is for denying free speech, according to O’Reilly. It now appears that “deep discomfort” is enough.

It is part of an unrelenting movement in Europe, particularly by the European Union, to rollback Western free speech values that once defined countries.

Ireland now stands on the precipice of freedom.

Ireland is declaring “no free speech for haters” and assumes the authority to define who are haters and who are not.