Honestly some interesting complaints:

In 2020 Kimiko Glenn, who played inmate Brook Soso, revealed a foreign-royalty statement containing a measly £20.84 ($27.30).

She recently reposted a video on Instagram of herself opening the letter, to which her former co-star Matt McGorry, who played a corrections officer, commented: ‘Exaccctttlllyyy. I kept my day job the entire time I was on the show because it paid better than the mega-hit TV show we were on.’

Beth Dover, who played a manager at the company taking over the prison, added: ‘It actually COST me money to be in season 3 and 4 since I … had to fly myself out, etc. But I was so excited for the opportunity to be on a show I loved so I took the hit. It’s maddening.’

Some stars, including Emma Myles who played drug addict Leanne Taylor, were paid the Screen Actors Guild absolute minimum rate during filming – less than £687 ($900) a day.

Her royalty payments for the show this year total £15 ($20), whereas she receives around £458 ($600) a year for guest appearances she made on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit as far back as 2004.