I wanted a swoop low profile, with roller encoders (evqwgd001) instead of the MX version with vertical encoders (ec11) that’s currently on the repo by jimmerricks.

So I forked the repo and based my work on an older revision that still had the LP/evq PCBs and printed them as is, which you can see in the attached image. It served me as a base to identify what I liked and what I didn’t like about it, to know what I should fix for the next revisions.

My to-do list:

  • Biggest thing for me was adding hotswap sockets (still working on it),
  • moving the encoder down about 0.3mm (it interferes slightly with the nearest keycap, the pads could be made smaller).
  • I think I’m going to keep the SMD, but add the possibility to use TH diodes, and space them a bit more (I found that soldering 2 SMD near each other makes it very hard to hold them properly).
  • Somewhat controversial maybe, but I removed the LEDs, having no use for them.
  • I’m keeping Bluetooth support (in my head that’s just pro micro footprint+reset button+on/off switch+battery pads), even though I haven’t tested it yet.

Here is the repo, feel free to contribute to it (I know I fucked up by removing the kicad library, will redo it for the hotswap rev): https://github.com/SuperFola/arkenswoop