Was this worth a watch?
It was… really short. They were litterally about to walk onto stage. As in, AOC gets up mid interview, and walks away onto stage.
Hasan got one question in each. He pretty directly asks Bernie about running as an independent (in the previous speech, Bernie had called for progressives to run as independents). I liked Bernies answer which was basically “Brother, I’m the longest running Independent senator in the US. Obviously I think it can work.”
Mostly, to me, its a kind of signalling to who Bernie and AOC are platforming with these kinds of interviews, which imo is more important. Its not MSNBC, CNN, or TYT that Bernie and AOC trust to carry the message, its Hasan.
I watched the rally separately. It was worth it. Honestly the first time its felt worth tuning in since 2020.
Regional parties/independents can succeed even under FPTP if they’re really good at appealing to the local people, like Bernie has.
Here’s the link to the video:
Linker be praised