I found this quite interesting and informative. Although the videos explicit thesis is that we are leaving / have left the late stage capitalism stage and moved on to something worse I still think it fits this community quite well. It does critique what most people would identify as late stage capitalism: rent seeking, venture capitalism and shifting division of power between the classes.
I also think it fits here as I feel like the Fediverse in general is a sort of counter-movement to the mentioned abuse of personalized feeds to gain power. The fediverse is democratized by design, it is somewhat immune to monopolization and thereby the structures described in that video.
If you ‘liked’ the part about personalized feeds I can also recommend Technology Connections ‘rant’ about that topic: Algorithms are breaking how we think.
Well that was terrifying.
It was a good video that lays a lot of groundwork before revealing the premise, but it was worth it. From my layperson knowledge of history and economics, I didn’t immediately see any “red flags” that the analysis was unfounded.
TLDW; The wealthy, having exhausted the power of money, are moving onto political power itself. If you can’t buy someones actions that you want, you usurp the very power of government and force the actions by rule of “law”.
Is it fascism? I think it’s fascism.
Also, but the video leans more towards oligarchy.
That’s one problem I see as a constant in individuals, we tend to insta put name on things.
I didn’t watch the video, but with just with the post title I can say, yes I totally agree.
Good video, thanks for sharing