This is a classic expression of monarchist power, much like《L’état, c’est moi》
So he’s an “ends justify the means” kinda guy?
Huh. Reminds me of somebody.
He’s probably looking for a final solution to his problem
The US did not see that coming
It hit them like a blitz.
The US did not see that coming
Something something Luigi
“When the President does it, it is NOT illegal!”
“He who saves his Country does not violate any Law”
i suspect someone will try to save this country, and it won’t be someone at the top of the current ‘administration’.
I would say that’s what he meant but from the other side. I don’t read this as him excusing himself. I read it as a message to the followers who may “do something”
Yep, he’s already proven that he’s above the law; this is just stochastic terrorism.
and he just pardoned an army to do those ‘somethings’.
Several have tried already.
Luigi tried to save his country. I guess they are wasting time with that trial if no laws were broken…
How is there anybody who doesn’t recognize what he’s doing?
That place is a fucking cesspool, I went in earlier to see what they’re saying about… everything and they’re fucking gleeful.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
Then Luigi goes free, easy as.
Every response to that tweet should be a variation of “free Luigi.”
So an assassination would be legal?
ByVia him, yes.
I can’t imagine why he bothers, what are they going to do, charge and/or convict him of a felony? They’ve done that… 34 times. It didn’t do shit. I honestly don’t understand why he feels the need to pretend the bullshit he’s doing isn’t illegal/immoral/unconstitutional/etc.
That was a message to his supporters.
Official acts.
He isn’t suggesting. He is stating the exact thing the supreme court ruled on. Anyone elected president can do whatever they want no matter how “illegal” and they are immune from prosecution IF what they were doing was in service to the country. This is what Democrats flopped over on that proved to me they are in on it. No supreme court term limits, or adjusting the way judges are appointed. Trump won’t be the worst. The worst likely hasn’t even gotten their public debut yet, they will execute their political opponents, take whatever they want, and rule like a modern Caesar, then maybe the congress will revolt and kill them, but the congress will never return their ill-gotten power, they want it for themselves.
From your lips to the next Luigi’s ears.
This fascist is protected by our own government.
“I’m trying to save my country from the working class”
Geez where have I heard that before?