"Me: *stands up really fast*
My entire body:"
Bellow are 12 different engine warning lights that you would have on a car dashboard.
Waiting for all the new warning lights to turn off until only the ten normal warning lights are left.
Accurate 😭
That’s called orthostatic hypotension.
Bad enough, it can make you completely lose consciousness, which generally causes bad things when it happens standing.
In mine, and other cases here I’m sure, it’s called “a collection of chronic illnesses that cause an enormous amount of pain and other symptoms, that flare up every time you move”, but that’s good to know anyway, thanks!
Not only. It’s called Orthostatic Intolerance.
Which can be a bunch of things, so only a subset of cases include hypotension.
See: Post-Orthostatic Tatychardia Syndrome (POTS) for example.
I’m pretty sure POTS stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.
Yep sorry I always mix up the acronym.
Post-orthostatic (after standing up) vs Postural Orthostatic (when standing up in an upright posture) sometimes get mixed in my foggy brain.
my Gen-X ass every time I move thanks to 40+ years of skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, and all around jackass worthy antics
Rugby and combat sports (judo, wrestling, muay thai, mma) did a real number on my joints.
I think I can directly attribute to scrums my enduring neck pains
PT actually does wonders for this….
start now before it’s too lateI do some PT by myself, mostly stretching and muscular reinforcement exercises. It indeed does wonders and that’s solid advice.
Alas I seem to have some underlying issue that manifests itself with joint hypermobility, joint pains, and muscle contractions that can last for hours on end.
I don’t know what it is and should probably get it checked at some point but doctors are scary and all.
Ketoprofen (a stronger version of Ibuprofen) works ok on the pains/contractions.
well i suggest you see a doc and real physical therapist… but, i wish you luck.
(also ive experienced a wide range of physical therapists… definitely make sure you vibe and they care).I know I should.
I even live in France where we have a pretty good healthcare system (very commie but the neolibs are trying to sell it piece by piece).
But still navigating healthcare as an autistic, trans, and handicapped lass is pretty scary and rough.
sorry to hear….
for me it’s:
go to primary care physician (main doc), tell of pains and ask for referral, then go to the PT place they referred me to….
but don’t worry, musk will be deleting my healthcare soon….
(btw, probably good to write out a list to tell the doctor, because i always forget when im actually talking to them… ).
also, if you’re french why do you call yourself a “lass”?
seems like you mixed up Irish and French…Afaik lad/lass is more used in Scotland/Northern Ireland than Ireland.
I like slangs in foreign languages. Not being a native speaker lets me chose which ones I like and want to use.
There might be some exposure bias too. I’ve got a halfway decent accent but it sounds like the weirdest lovechild between Southern Scotland and US midwestern :p
Healthcare wise I got a great endocrinologist and psychiatrist but alas no primary care physician. I dread meeting new doctors because I often feel like they don’t listen to me.
Almost every first appointment is “could it be related to your HRT” whatever I come for. Migraines? HRT! Psoriasis? HRT! Injured? believe it or not: HRT!
Specifically for pains I get so much “it must be your posture” and “probably psychosomatic”. Yeah sure the posture of sleeping straight on my back on a good mattress. Also ofc stress plays into it but could you please search a bit further into it? :c
Sorry for the rant ^^`
I have at least two dents in my skull due to bashing my head after a “get up/lights out” event.
Sorry, in all seriousness that really sucks, sending you a friendly internet hug.
Thanks c:
It was kinda annoying but I got real good at sitting in a split second.
I naturally have a very low blood pressure which are compounded by eating disorders and some medication I used to take. I switched meds and it’s almost in the past now \o
I have some similar issues, so I can relate, except for the sitting (or standing) fast, since my joints just won’t let me 😭
Great that changing meds helped so noticeably!
Oof. Joints are like teeth. You value them when you lose them.
Mine have been pretty much fucked since birth, so I always knew they’d eventually completely betray me lol 😭
- DANGER: Shakey
- WARNING: Heart pump needs servicing
- DANGER: Electrolytes depleted
- WARNING: Dizzy
- WARNING: Wobbly
- WARNING: Hungry
- Foot rotation: OK
- DANGER: Hypothermia
- DANGER: Tunnel vision
- WARNING: Flatulence
- DANGER: Ball to the face
- WARNING: Bad luck
DANGER: Ball to the face
I was actually trying to think up a similar list but was too tired, thank you so much, these are brilliant! 😂
Is your blood pressure ok?
the bottom right indicator light means youre hungry or you ate something bad. not sure what the other symbols mean though
deleted by creator
Me waking up for the 40th time during the night because my toddler has RSV