Guy does 100 percent Huel for 4 months and tracks the results:

Today is day 120 of only on powdered food Here’s a list of the most prominent changes so far within these 120 days on Huel, with very little to none of physical activity.

Products Used

2,000 Calories a day with Huel Black Edition (5 Servings, mixed with water)

Huel Daily Greens (1 Serving)

Day 0 -> Day 120

Weight 246.6lbs -> Weight 187.6lbs (-59lbs)

Waist 120cm -> 89cm

Blood Pressure over 160/120 -> under 120/80

Resting Heart Rate Over 100 -> Under 60

Prediabetic/Hypertension stage 2-> No longer diagnosed with either

All laboratory results resulted in either a positive shift or no shift at all

Cholesterol levels, TSH(Thyroid Panel), Triglycerides, A1C, have the highest significance of changes so far

Over 30 different lab tests per month can be seen on the spreadsheet under Laboratory Results

I’m documenting this project to show that losing weight and diet related concerns can be changed dramatically in a short amount of time. During these 120 days (4months), I stayed inside as much as possible with little to no physical activity.

After passing the first two weeks of mild intense cravings (coming from a terrible diet) it’s easy from there. I do not have cravings and I do not feel hungry after those two weeks.

This is my 4th self-trail. I’ve tested a lower caloric intake on Huel and the weight loss was not as continuous, weight loss was slower than this trial, I felt hungry, metabolism was slowed, and weight gain was very strong after ending that previous trial of around 1200 calories of Huel a day.

Items used to measure progress -Daily x2 Tape Measurements -Daily x2 Scale Measurements -Daily x2 Blood Pressure Measurements -Continuous Heart Rate Readings -Blood Ox % -Internal Temperature x2 -Monthly Blood Work