Turbo Cancer? People believe this?
Turbo cancer is real bro. It uses your farts to spool up and spray cancer cells into your heart that spreads them everywhere. Remember to breathe though, otherwise the air/cancer ratio will be wrong.
Edit: Er, exhaust from the EXHAUST MAINFOLD feed turbochargers, not the exhaust from the tailpipe. Also, it doesn’t add fuel, it pushes more cold air so that you CAN inject more fuel. Please don’t ask me to revise my turbo cancer analogy. I don’t know enough about the cardiovascular system to update it
Right? Like at least come up with a believable term like Cancer XL or Cancer++.
turbo cancer
Edit: wtf, thats an established conspiracy theory. I thought it was something he just made up on the spot
Pfft. Turbo cancer? At least give me twin turbos. Or maybe supercharged cancer.
psh Turbo Cancer, I’m diagnosing Ultra Super Turbo Cancer II: Championship Edition. this guy is an amateur.
It’s useful for mediocre scam artists to weed out the marks who aren’t complete morons.