In this video by Rob Braxman provides a good overview on why you should dual-boot Windows and Linux, and how this protects you from A.I.

I’ve settled upon using four drives as the best privacy & security solution:

  • First SSD with Windows 10 for things like HAM Radio software and video editing to make best use of Nvidia GPU’s.

  • Second SSD with Kubuntu as a daily driver for surfing, email, calendaring, and podcasting. (I love KDE.)

  • Third SSD with cut-down-to-the-bone Debian used for nothing except touching my most precious crypto wallets. No browser. No email. No closed-source.

  • Fourth drive - 8 Terrabyte spinner formatted as NTFS for sharing big video and data files between Windows and Kubuntu.

I also regularly image the drives using Clonezilla to the 8 TB spinner.

This way, if I wad up one of the OS’s with carelessness or testing (often), I throw the image back on there, and I’m up and running again fast without having to completely rebuild.